Sliding on the Edge: Lessons from the Slopes

Lost In The Algorithms — Odyssey # 39

George Kalantzis
3 min readFeb 28, 2024

Waking up each morning, I sometimes shoot a silent prayer to the skies — not for peace or calm, but for a good, hard challenge. There’s this itch, a kind of craving for chaos that’s almost masochistic. It’s like I’m constantly trying to prove my worth to… well, myself, I guess.

As a single dad moonlighting as a quasi-bodybuilder and writer, life’s handed me my fair share of puzzles. And I am sure you have yours, too, or else you probably wouldn’t be reading my work.

At the crack of dawn, when the world’s still snoozing, I’m out there — on the edge, pushing past what I thought were my limits yesterday. It’s not just about doing the work; it’s about finding that untamed part of me that’s itching to break free. But then, there’s this nagging thought — what if this relentless pursuit is just my way of spinning a yarn, a cover-up for the daily grind that wears me down?

Yet, despite the doubts, exhaustion, and endless juggling between dad duties and personal ambitions, I can’t help but lean into the edge. It’s where I find clarity, where the noise fades, and all that is left is raw, unfiltered life.

In “Nowhere To Go,” I wrote about how writing drags me, kicking and screaming, to life’s edge. It’s there, in…



George Kalantzis

George is a professional storyteller, a dad to a sassy and adventurous eight year-old girl, and the author Of Nowhere To Go