Lost In The Algorithms

The Story Of A Digital Writer’s Life

George Kalantzis
2 min readJan 5, 2024

Sitting here in the coffee shop, fingers over the keyboard, I can’t help but marvel at this strange new world I’ve found myself in. Not some tropical beach or secluded mountains, but a place even more bewildering — the city of social media.

A place where every click is a potential story, and every story a mere click away.

Welcome to my digital odyssey, ‘Lost in Algorithms.’

I’m your host, a 39-year-old on the verge of 40 navigating the craziness of today’s world with a smirk and a slightly worn-out pen. Each day, I’ll dive headfirst into this digital maze, sharing slices of my life as a writer, father, and dreamer.

I’ll peel back layers of pixels to uncover some semblance of truth.

It’s a world where my pen has been replaced by a keyboard, and my notebook by a screen. Here, the algorithms are the new gods, deciding which tales see the light of day and which languish in the unseen corners of the internet.

But fear not, I’m not just here to ramble about the perils of modern existence. Oh no, I bring gifts — little nuggets of life lessons learned the hard way, and some marketing wisdom, because let’s face it, even a wordsmith needs to sell a story or two.



George Kalantzis

George is a professional storyteller, a dad to a sassy and adventurous eight year-old girl, and the author Of Nowhere To Go