George Kalantzis
George Kalantzis

George Kalantzis knows life transitions. From a decade in the Marines, coaching thousands of hours on the gym floor, divorce, single parenting, and overcoming a suicide attempt, he understands the unique challenges we all face in the fast past society of the modern world.

George is the author of Nowhere To Go, a podcast host, a decorative combat veteran, and a freedom guide at The Art of Tough Transitions. 

With nearly twenty years of encounters with tough transitions, George empowers men and women to live life authentically by giving them the courage to find their voice and unlock their potential. He has the unique ability to speak to people in ways that make them feel seen and heard through a combination of prose, poetry, coaching, and experience that can only be found in the school of heart knocks.

Medium member since March 2023
Connect with George Kalantzis
George Kalantzis

George Kalantzis

George is a professional storyteller, a dad to a sassy and adventurous eight year-old girl, and the author Of Nowhere To Go